It would not be wrong to say that the historical basis of law is trade. Commercial activities are always at the forefront of the dynamics that encourage and stimulate the progress of the law. Aware of
Banking and finance are the indispensable elements of commercial life. Expertise is important as banking and finance is a dynamic field that is constantly updated and needs to be followed. Following the
The Agreement is the own law of the parties. Agreements since the Romans; move over the balance among the principles of and pacta sunt servanda (agreements must be kept) and clausula rebus sic stantibus
In the face of the increasing population and the necessity of living together, the importance of real estate law is increasing day by day. Sharing its experience in real estate and property ownership law
If an agreement or even a court order cannot be enforced, the existence of legal rights remains on paper. Ensuring the full and proper fulfillment of legal rights is one of the most important legal procedures.
Nothing can be said as certain in this world except tax and death. However, there are measures that can be taken to avoid premature death or overpayment. Not that in the case of death, but all kinds of